Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Garden is turning into a jungle again!

See what I mean! However it is the most delightful smelling jungle to be in! Sweet peas! I have never grown them before, but this year decided to give them a go. They are climbing all over the broad beans. I have been picking bunches of them to have inside and giving bunches away.
There are also marrows, beetroot and lettuces growing in there somewhere!
My radishes are only small, but this is when I like to eat them! I can spend ages wandering round eating things in the garden. I have the radishes planted with baby carrots. We don't eat many carrots, but the baby carrots sounded quite nice.
Hope you are all having fun!

1 comment:

Laura Kay said...

It looks welcoming! It is nice to see some flowers, fruits & veggies. We have dreary rain & cold. Your kitty looks VERY comfortable. It is nice he lets you share his bed!